Salam semua blogger..
Juz nak share..I am moving towards..dr blogger biasa skang tgh study sket2 how to gain money juz from blogging.. Started with nuffnang.. n appy to this blog and my business blog. So, started today (22nd June 2011) kte tgk how much I can earned in 1 month. Jom kengkawan same2 dpt side income =) Skang lom jd otai lg, xde charge k..hahaah... ade hati nk menjual knowledge ke mai ni.. Astaghfirullah... ampun..ampun..main2 je.. hehe =)
Meregulasi ADHD Semasa Menulis Disertasi – Bab Kaedah Penyelidikan
HasrizalAn educator, author, and advocate for inclusive education with a
career spanning leadership, innovation, and personal growth. While locally
aaha... kak huda pon tak paham sgt nuffnang ni. Tp yg tau, kalo ade org klik n trafik byk, leh la earn duit situ...
p/s: mai showla label kt blog mai.. sng nk carik ikot category.. ehehe.. pastu.. wat shotbox 1... sng nk keep track utk blogwalking... ehehe
nuffnang tu kte dpt duit based pd brp click(CTR- click through ratio).. pastu ade lg yg traffic based.. tp utk dpt traffic-based tu mmg kne btul2 power.. kne btul2 tarik byk traffic la.. based pd ape yg mai bce pd blog2 usahawan internet nih..
thanks suggest..label tu time memule rsenye mai p hide.. nape ntah.. yg shoutbox tu akan dipikrkan =)
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