Semalam rajin nak main-main dgn wamp server.. hihihih.. pastu tnjk terror g la set root password utk mysql (default root xde password). -thru phpmyadmin. Skali abis sume messup, dgn phpmyadmin xleh bukak mysql xleh restart.. smpi kol 1 stayback dgn husband nak solve kan prb tu. Then, ngantuk decide nk reinstall blk. So pg td dok google psal uninstall wamp tu, sbb nak completely remove sume. Terjumpa forum ni, and yang bestnye siap ade step2 untuk fix kan prob root password tu.. tp, time baca thread kt bwh tu, Mai dh completely uninstall sume.. kahkahkah..
So mari kte berkongsi maklumat utk sape2 yg nk uninstall WAMP and reset root password:
Note: step ni edited version ye.. based ape yg Mai buat td. nak full step leh tgk link kt bwh :)
Uninstall WAMP
1. Exit WAMP (right click icon and exit)
2. Remove WAMP -Control Panel -> Add/Remove Program -> Select WAMP.
3. Delete C:/Wamp directory
4. Start -> Run -> Regedit (Enter)
Find "WAMP", it will list all the program related. Read carefully ya,need to be extra careful or your system
will be messed up. Delete the related program. You can check the file's location to make sure they are
related to which program :)
5. Delete these 2 directories : c:/temp and c:/windows/temp
Dah boleh proceed reinstall WAMP :)
Setting Root Password
1. Start WAMP
2. Open PhpMyAdmin
3. Select Privileges
4. Click 'Edit Privileges' for user root/localhost
5. Scroll down to Change Password section, enter your password twice and Click 'GO'
6. Exit WAMP (right click icon and exit)
7. Open C:\wamp\apps\phpmyadmin3.4.9\ using text editor.
8. Edit $cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config';
and change to $cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie';
9. Save the file.
10. Open C:\wamp\apps\phpmyadmin3.4.9\index.php using text editor.
11. Insert this line after
tag: include_once '';
12. Save the file
13. Restart WAMP
14. Open phpMyAdmin, it will prompt username and password whenever you want to access it.
So sape yg ade prob time nak set root password, sila jgn ikut step2 di atas ye. Leh browse forum kt bwh ni, ade username stevemartin share steps tanpa perlu uninstall sume blk.. Have a nice day!!
Memahami Punca Kertas Sejarah Kosong
HasrizalAn educator, author, and advocate for inclusive education with a
career spanning leadership, innovation, and personal growth. While locally
nak buat system ape tu mai... smgt sungguh smpi ke opis anter
hahaha...mne de g opis die.. smlm stayback kt umah je smpi kol 1pg br tdo.. kekekeke... ;-) xde la system beso pon juz small function je.. mai pon lom tau lg function pe.. kekeke.. sbb nk main2 dlu ngan coding..
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