Bagi peminat tshirt muslimah, baju menyusu dan jubah jenama Jameela, Muslimah4u, Qaseh, Zariya dan banyak lagi... Juga Nursing Cover comel Handy Mysa..
huhuh.. Mai excited nk story something to you all but akal x kasi.. hehehe.. Tangan ni dh gatal nk menaip tapi takut nanti tersalah cerita...
So buat masa ni... BIARLAH RAHSIA.. jgn marah ye kawan-kawan..hehehe.. InsyaAllah Mai akan critakan time new year 2012 entry nanti. heheh.. InsyaAllah kalau umur Mai panjang lagi...
This blog is purposely to store all my email collections,which has sentimental value to me. It may from other blogger or writer. =) and also, may come from the bottom of my heart. Enjoy!!
Permata ‘Akal Budi’ yang Hilang
Hasrizal “Macam mana kamu hulur pisau tu?” Opah menegur saya. Seorang anak
kecil di usia sekolah rendah. Mungkin ketika itu saya berusia tujuh atau
lapan t...
I Need BF Advice
Hello dearies.. How’s life? Hope everything is going on great. I need to
ask questions to you mommies out there. Have you ever had any experience
where you...
Farewell 2015
Dear lovely readers :) How are you? Yeah I’m back after 2 years in silent
mode. Phewww (bersarang sudah blog saya).. *sigh* Anyway Happy new year
Hilangkan Pijar akibat Potong Cili
salam ramadhan kawan2.. lame sungguh tak bercerite... jadi arini nak cite
pasai cara nak hilangkan pijar akibat potong cili atau cili keri...
Entry pertama di tahun 2014
As Salam.... :)
Hihihi...sungguh pemalas aku di tahun 2014 ni nak menaip *entry* kat blog
yang dah bersawang ni. Takde apa2 yang menarik nak diceritakan ka...
meh aku teka...
sama ada u r getting pregnant for 2nd child OR u already got ur new home!!!!
btolx tekaan aku??
or else??? sila teka lagi.. hehehe
cer cite.. cer cite..
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