Alhamdulillah.. dah lama x cerita psal pregnancy.. hehehe...
Pagi tadi g klinik wat routine checkup 36w+.. Alhamdulillah everything goes well.. same with the lil one dlm tummy mama ni.. 3.0kg mak aii.. mak terkejut ble tgk time doc scan tuh.. Padan la mama dh x larat serba serbi...
Uri pun dah naik.. and free from placenta previa (huhuh sadis ble teringat blk time dpt tau kne placenta previa tuh.. siap dh kne refer hospital lagi.. sob sob sob :()
Doc mcm wat syarat je utk next appointment next 2w.. die siap pesan g hospital bile dh turun tanda.. errrksss... baby mama akn kua too soon ke? errkk.. takut plak.. bknnye ape, supposed ade lg 3-4w kot.. and takut gak klo deliver awal2, takut baby lom ready lg.. huhuh doakan ye kawan2... mudah-mudahan baby sehat ble kua nanti...
Ok, smpi sini je utk topic ni.. nk g google psal sign of labor.. sebab, ade a few things yg Mai rase x brp best sekarang...kalau ye dh dekat, kne get ready la.. lom abis lg study psal breathing, active labor dll... hopefully this time dpt deliver normal, no medication, induce, n no episiotomy.. Amiiiiinnnnnnn :)
GO Gentle Birthing :)
Meregulasi ADHD Semasa Menulis Disertasi – Bab Kaedah Penyelidikan
HasrizalAn educator, author, and advocate for inclusive education with a
career spanning leadership, innovation, and personal growth. While locally
moga dipermudahkan.. In Shaa Allah..
mai dah ada experience bersalin anak first...hopefully mai dapat lahirkan baby ni dengan selamat.. :)
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